2 min readNov 8, 2020

Devastated, All hope lost, Rugged, scammed and maybe even memed on 😪
That is the daily life of many in this space. We understand more than anyone, what you are going through my ape friend🦍

This is where $HOPIUM comes in, we give back hope to the people🕊️ — Buy our legendary hopium and get restored faith in the DeFi community. This is a safe space for everyone. 🥰

what is Hopium? 💉

Hopium is a fun little game, everyone is welcome to play🏅

🔥Hopium has a 6.9% Burn on all transactions made

Hopium will burn down to a supply of 6969, the remaining top 20 wallets at that time will get a share of 100% of the liquidity pool, according to their share of $HOPIUM💰

What does this mean? 🤷🏻‍♂️
As we get closer to the ‘end of the experiment’, a great gamification factor kicks in 🎮

You will have to decide if you can make it in the top 20, and if the share you would get is worth it or wether you should just sell 😱🤯

As a top 20 holder you will get directly rewarded by shilling the project. With each buy the ETH in the liquidity pool increases and accordingly, also the rewards at the end 🤑
But be careful or you might end up losing your spot within the top 20 😭

Easy as that we prove that gamification can bring real value back to its investors. We Inject Hope back to this space. Together we create Hope, Together we create $HOPIUM 🤗

✅TG: https://t.me/Hopiumchat

✅ UNISWAP link: https://app.uniswap.org/#/swap?inputCurrency=0x57c6578f39f4de8fdd8434faa4a0047d72e0c030

✅ Dextools: https://www.dextools.io/app/uniswap/pair-explorer/0xdc0006701502620ea1a26c9a3610c64a913b5d52

✅ Contract address: 0x57c6578f39f4de8fdd8434faa4a0047d72e0c030

✅ LIQ LOCK ( 3 days) : https://v2.unicrypt.network/pair/0xdc0006701502620ea1a26c9a3610c64a913b5d52

